
Meet Arianna Borgers – PhD at IfADo in case study B1: dissolution control

Meet Arianna Borgers – PhD at IfADo in case study B1: dissolution control

As the first PhD student of the research alliance, biologist Arianna Borgers already started her work at IfADo in July. Here she introduces herself briefly:

Dear Arianna, tell us about your professional background.

I completed my bachelor’s degree in biology at the Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster. As I was particularly enthusiastic about biomedical issues during my studies, I subsequently decided to do my master’s degree in medical biology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. During internships and my master’s thesis, I was mainly involved in cancer research at Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum (translates to “West German Tumor Center”) in Essen.

What will be your job in the project?

The topic of my dissertation belongs to project area B, so I will deal with the influence of advanced materials, more precisely metal oxide nanoparticles, on human health. In this context, I am planning to investigate how these nanoparticles dissolve inside cells, which cell responses they cause and to what extent they have a toxic effect on cancer, nerve or liver cells. Controlling the release of metal ions and the associated toxicity could possibly in the future be of great benefit in cancer treatment therapies, for example.

What made you decide to work in this particular project?

The project appealed to me immediately because, on the one hand, it involves a biomedical context related to cancer research and, on the other hand, it provides new, exciting topics and methodologies for me. I also really liked the fact that the doctoral program includes workshops on science communication, among other things.

Where do you see the biggest challenge?

I think the biggest challenge could generally be in the organization. Especially in such a current field of research, it is important to keep track of current developments while always keeping your goal clearly in mind.

How do you deal with the fact that you will be working at several institutes and that several research institutes are involved in your project?

I actually really like the fact that several research institutes are involved in my project. I am looking forward to the interdisciplinary exchange with the participating institutes and hope that this will provide me with some new food for thought and perspectives for my project.

Thank you Arianna! Welcome to the research alliance, we are looking forward to working with you.

Foto: Arianna Borgers
Juli 29, 2022

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